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A selection of organizations who have helped with the making of “Power and Control,” along with a selected list of recommended online domestic violence resources.


Domestic Abuse Intervention Project is the Duluth-based organization that has long been a leader in developing domestic violence policy and in training people from around the world in policy best practices. DAIP was founded by Ellen Pence and Michael Paymar, who devised the power and control wheel and who are interviewed in the film.

Safe Haven Shelter for Battered Women in Duluth, MN provides services to women and children whose lives have been affected by physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. The shelter dates back to the late 1970s. Safe Haven provides an array of services including 24-hour emergency shelter, individual advocacy, legal advocacy, information and referrals, support groups, and community education. Safe Haven generously opened its doors to the film makers. Without them, this film would not have been possible.

New York

Voices of Women Organizing Project (VOW). The project supports survivors of domestic violence in New York City to improve the many systems and services that battered women rely on for safety and justice. VOW gives survivors a voice and leadership role in advocacy efforts.

Rockland Family Shelter. A privately operated, grassroots organization dedicated to ending violence against women, children and youth in Rockland County, a suburban county north of New York. RFS also dates back to the late 1970s.

Sanctuary for Families. Sanctuary for Families is the largest nonprofit in New York State dedicated exclusively to serving domestic violence victims and their children Services include clinical, legal, shelter, children’s and economic stability services.

ConnectNYC. CONNECT is dedicated to the prevention and elimination of family and gender violence and to the creation of safe families and peaceful communities. CONNECT transforms the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that perpetuate family and gender violence and addresses these complex issues through prevention, early intervention services, and community empowerment.

SafeHorizon. Safe Horizon is the nation’s largest victim assistance organization and the biggest provider of domestic violence shelters and other advocacy services in New York. The organization’s 80 programs are located throughout the five boroughs in court houses, police precincts, schools, shelters, and community offices.

Center Against Domestic Violence. A Brooklyn-based operator of shelters, school programs and other advocacy services.


Mercy Medical Center. A downtown Baltimore hospital with a highly respected domestic violence screening and treatment program. Mercy also operates a Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner unit, which coordinates with the Baltimore police domestic violence unit.

The House of Ruth. A Baltimore domestic violence advocacy organization and service provider that operates a shelter and legal clinic for domestic violence victims.

Research Resources

The Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse (MINCAVA) electronic clearinghouse provides an extensive pool of up-to-date educational resources about all types of violence, including higher education syllabi, published research, funding sources, upcoming training events, individuals or organizations which serve as resources, and searchable databases.

Violence Against Women Online Resources is a cooperative project between MINCAVA and the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women . This site provides materials about effective interventions, services, and coordinated community responses to violence against women.

VAW Net offers the National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women. Funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is housed within the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV).

Office of Violence Against Women. The federal agency set up under the Violence Against Women Act.

Family Violence Prevention Fund. The Family Violence Prevention Fund advocates to improve public policies, including those that support battered immigrant women, working with health care providers and employers to identify and aid victims of abuse, helping communities support children from violent homes, training judges to help all victims of abuse, and showing Americans how to help end domestic violence.

Herstory of Domestic Violence: A Timeline of the Battered Women’s Movement. An informative, useful historical timeline available through MINACVA.

Covering Crime and Justice – Covering Domestic Violence. The organization Criminal Justice Journalists has produced a guide to help make crime and justice coverage better.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide trends in the U.S.: Intimate homicide. National data about intimate homicide up through 2005.

Data Sets on and Related to Violence Against Women. An extremely useful compendium of data resources posted by VAWNET.

Information about domestic violence and DV prevention from the Center for Disease Control.

National Council of State Courts resource guides. These pages, compiled by the NCSC Family Violence Forum staff, provide hundreds of resources on the topic of family violence with the primary focus of providing information to the court and justice community.

American Bar Association – Commission on Domestic Violence: Key Statistics. Data up through 2005.

Domestic Violence Project of Silicon Valley. Articles, protocols, resources for victims and researchers of domestic and workplace violence; Over 1100 categorized links, 4000 books, 110 journals, and more.

Domestic Violence Documentaries

“Defending Our Lives” features four women imprisoned for killing their batterers and their terrifying personal testimonies. This film won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short in 1994.

Links and resources from “Defending Our Lives.”

A video resources list from MINCAVA.

“Domestic Violence,” by Frederick Wiseman. A brilliant two-part film by cinema verité pioneer Frderak Wiseman. Part I follows the Tampa FL. police on domestic violence calls and offers an intimate look inside a Tampa shelter. Part II follows the domestic violence courts in Tampa.