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Stream Power and Control

Power and Control: Domestic Violence in America

A comprehensive and timely exploration of the shocking persistence of domestic violence in our society. The complex issues around domestic abuse are refracted through the story of Kim, a mother of three in Duluth, MN. Kim’s journey takes her from a domestic violence shelter, to a promising fresh start, and then through a disturbing final twist.

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The multi-level narrative also examines the deepest causes of domestic violence and the solutions that have evolved to stop it, celebrating the battered women’s movement activists who started the domestic violence revolution 30 years ago, and examining alternative approaches now being advocated.

The film is is particularly recommended for courses in sociology, social work, women’s studies, political science, psychology, law enforcement and law. It’s a must-have for public library collections and is being used with great effectiveness by public and non-profit organizations. DVD extras include director’s cut interviews with Kim and her husband, and with Ellen Pence and Michael Paymar, co-founders of the “Duluth Model.”

“Power and Control” is also distributed by New Day Films, the cooperative, film maker-owned and operated distributor. Low cost streaming options and DVDs are available from New Day.

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Also streaming on Kanopy and available on DVD.

Domestic Violence and Law Enforcement: It Started in Duluth

“Domestic Violence and Law Enforcement: It Started in Duluth” is a fast-paced, informative look at how the best police departments respond to domestic violence. The film starts in Duluth, MN, home of the influential “Duluth Model” and the first jurisdiction to introduce mandatory arrest. Lt. Scott Jenkins is our primary Duluth subject — Jenkins is internationally known for his authoritative and incisive domestic violence trainings. Next, the Family Crimes Unit in Baltimore, MD, an innovative program that puts a domestic violence detective team on the streets as first responders and follow up investigators. Finally, Bronx, NY, and the 46th Precinct — probably the nation’s busiest domestic violence patrol area. Lt. Jenkins in Duluth concludes the video with remarks bound to inspire and inform anyone involved in domestic violence law enforcement.

Also available on DVD.

Domestic Violence and Health Care: Best Practices in Action

“Domestic Violence and Health Care: Best Practices in Action” offers an inside look at the best practices at highly regarded Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, MD. We follow doctors and nurses in the ER, the mother-baby unit, pre-op and other departments. They share candid observations about domestic violence prevention in medicine and offer specific, practical suggestions. We also speak with Colleen Moore, coordinator of Mercy’s family violence program, and go with her around the hospital and into the community. The video also offers a look into Mercy’s Sexual Assault Forensic Examination program, and the SAFE unit’s pioneering effort to bring forensic examination techniques into domestic violence cases, including efforts to coordinate with the police department. Produced by an award-winning team of documentary film makers, the video is cinematic, fast paced and engaging.

Also available on DVD.