For me, it’s been, when I came in here in July, I felt like I was nothing and worthless. I still deal with that. It’s getting better, but it’s hard, and the week, I had told you before, I had checked myself into a hospital for a week, because it was either hurt him or get help, and I’m not one that wants to hurt people normally. And that day before I checked myself in, he took a swing and tried to punch me in the face. His hands were all bruised, and he wouldn’t tell people what happened. I had stepped back. He was mad because when one of the girls came out when he was smoking a cigarette in the garage and took a swing. I told him after I got out of the hospital and he’s like “I did not!” He was trying to say I was making it up. I said, “No, do you remember why your hand was like that?” “I hit the wall.” I said: “Do you realize you were swinging for my face, and if I wouldn’t have stepped back when I did my face would have got hurt.” And he’s just like, “Well I didn’t do that.” And I’m like, “Yeah, you did.” And it’s like he never wants to accept that he’s done it, he’s grabbed my wrists, not letting me leave a room. He’s threatened, even if it’s not directed at me, “I’m gonna punch somebody.” Well if you’re talking to me and I’m that somebody in the room, how do you think I feel. Constantly yelling everything I do is wrong. The girls got more of it. I always said if you raise a hand to me in anger I’m gone, cause of having to deal with that with my dad.